Scottish Naming Pattern

Janet Chapman Munro Greenan Robertson 1930

This is SO IMPORTANT to know! Many families used this up through the 1920s then parents wanted to come up with their own names. Both my parents were named according to the pattern but when I was born in 1957 they went rogue and named me Gillian. I could have been Georgina!

The 1st son is named after the father’s father
The 2nd son is named after the mother’s father
The 3rd son is named after the father

The 1st daughter is named after the mother’s mother
The 2nd daughter is named after the father’s mother
The 3rd daughter is named after the mother

My mum, pictured here, was Janet Chapman Munro Greenan Robertson. She was named after her maternal grandmother, Janet Chapman Munro. Her mum was a Greenan, and her dad was a Robertson.


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