The Hays of Tweedsdale

IF we are related to the noble Hays the link would be through George Lewis Hay 1716, son of Brigadier-General Lord William Hay 1668 (of Newhall)

I stumbled across this potential link through the descendants of Robert Hay in Tasmania. I’m trying to figure out if it’s valid so this page will be updated. Right now it’s pure speculation…

Brigadier-General William Hay of Newhall

William Hay of Newhall married Margaret Hay (of Linplum) and had 13 children. His father was:

John Hay 2nd Marquess of Tweedsdale

John married an English noblewoman, Lady Mary Maitland and became Lord Chancellor of Scotland, following in his father’s footsteps. His father was:

John Hay 1st Marquess of Tweedsdale

This John married Jean Scott, the daughter of Walter, Duke of Buccleugh. He fought nobly in the Battle of Preston in 1648 and became Lord High Chancellor of Scotland in 1692. This portrait was painted by Godfrey Kneller in 1695, two years before his death.

HIs father was John Hay 1593-1653, 1st Earl of Tweedsdale.


Cousins Reunited

