Jean and Charlie 1930-1962

This photo of my nana Jean (born Georgina McCabe Munro Greenan) and her four children must have been taken in late 1939 or early 1940 in Leith.

Clockwise from Jean (seated) are:

Janet “Nettie” Chapman Munro Greenan Robertson b. 1930 (1st daughter named for maternal grandmother)

Charles “Chas” James Neil James Robertson b. 1939 (3rd son named for father)

Philip “Phil” Greenan Robertson b. 1934 (2nd son named for maternal gf)

George Brodrick Robertson b. 1932 (1st son named for paternal gf)

Charlies isn’t in this photo - maybe it was taken after he joined the RAF and left for basic training in England?

Charlie in uniform with Jean’s parents “Jenny” and “Phil”


Janet Chapman Munro Greenan Robertson b 1930

52 Granton Place, Granton, Edinburgh

Jean and Charlie met walking to work when they were teenagers in Leith. Jean worked at a cardboard box factory on Bennington Road and Charlie was a wooden box maker (I think at Cummings & Son on Murano Place). Charlie liked her legs!


Jane Gow (ggggma)


Update! The Clarks of Bendochy