Mum and Dad

Jim Moffat and Janet Robertson met in 1952 - I know it was before September 19th as their first date was to see Singin’ in the Rain which premiered in the UK on that date. Apparently it was a rainy night and they danced all the way home.

Janet “Nettie” Chapman Munro Greenan Robertson 1930

They met at an afternoon tea dance. Jim was working in Edinburgh as a reporter for the Glasgow Daily Herald and lodging in Leith at Denham Green Place. Janet went to the dance with her aunt Bibbie (Bridget Greenan). Bibbie was Janet’s mum’s youngest sister and only 5 years older than Janet so they went out together a lot. Bibby’s boyfriend was Jackie King and Janet went along on their dates as chaperone.

Jim stayed in the house on the corner. Fewer cars then!

Jim and Janet got married the following year on October 28 1953 in Dean Village in Edinburgh. Before that there was the meeting of the families at the Robertsons’ which must have been interesting.

Jim’s parents were much older than Janets’ and were more “well-to-do”. Jim was an only child and Janet had three brothers and a huge extended family. Jim’s family were regular church going Presbyterians and Janet’s were a mix. Her mum, Georgina “Jean” was a devout Catholic and her dad and siblings were Protestant but not regulars (and not Presbyterian).

The story goes that Charlie Robertson showed up late to meet John and Lizzie Moffat after a few pints… (for courage)

Mum and Dad with best man Jack Sutherland and bridesmaids Maureen McKay and Milda Robertson (cousins)

Jim and Janet started married life in New Town, Edinburgh and later moved to Paisley when Dad became a night editor at The Glasgow Herald.


George Brodrick Robertson


Shining a Light on Leith