Shining a Light on Leith

Lampost on Henderson St. Leith (photo by David J.)

Posted today on the Spirit of Leithers FB page by David J.

“The lamp-posts on Henderson Street are very ornate – not all of them, just the four opposite the wee green at the Great Junction Street end afore ye get tae the banany flats (so ca’d cos they curve in the middle like a banany).

Apart fae these four the rest are aw standard, modern lamp-posts. The cooncil must have decided tae keep these auld yins as a sort ae cultural feature, a reminder mibbe of when Leith was its ain place an’ no pert o’ high-falutin’ Embra (although why Embra cooncil would decide upon such a stratagem – unless they wur takin’ the piss – I’ve no idea!).

They’re like wrought-iron these auld lamp-posts and were probably once lit wi’ gas. Mind the auld gas-lighters? My mammy had an uncle that wis one, cheery auld sod that wis aye pished and the only Prod in the family.

They make mince-meat of aw the other lamp-posts aboot. If they wur Hollywood stars they’d be Ava Gardener or Dorothy Lamour; dark, brooding and sexy. Sultry big lamp-posts wi’ long legs and fancy hats. The ither yins ur mair like daytime TV. Some skinny skank aff Jeremy Kyle or an ageing Nolan Sister.”


Wee green - small public park

Banany Flats - Cables Wynd House, a public housing project built in the 60s

Embra - Edinburgh

High-falutin’ - show-off

Aye pished - always drunk

Prod - Protestant

Ither yins - other ones

Skank - a sleazy or unpleasant person

Jeremy Kyle - tabloid talk show host


David is still mad that Leith lost its status as an independent burgh back in 1920 when it became part of Edinburgh. There was a vote and the people of Leith voted to remain independent but were taken over anyway.

Leithers felt/feel that Edinburgh people looked down on them because they were working class.

Cables Wynd House 1965


Mum and Dad


An Excel(lent) Family Tree