Sunday School Trip 1960

When my mum dressed me for the Sunday school trip she could not have predicted that this photo would be taken. This was my favorite dress - I think it was turquoise and pink with little black and white cows on it.

It’s a cute photo but what stands out to me now is the composition - how the patterns in my dress are the same as the carousels in the background. I love how family photographs are sometimes little works of art.

I don’t remember where this was but it may have been Wicksteed Park in Kettering, Northamptonshire. We went there regularly - its was our little version of Disneyworld and we would take visitors from Scotland there in the summer.

It had a playground with the highest swings; a huge swimming pool; a boating lake; a rickety metal rollercoaster; a train; and the best ice cream.

The Log Flume at Wicksteed Park

In the winter I have memories of going for walks there on chilly Sunday afternoons with mum and dad and David. All the summer activities were closed and we would have the swings to ourselves. We would always have toffee as a treat in the car on the way home.

The train


The Lamb of Tartary


The Wee Museum of Memory