The Millars in Fife

Greenside Estate, Ceres, Fife (left and down of center)

Andrew Millar c 1797 was the land steward at Greenside estate south of Ceres in Fife in 1851.

He was born in Cults although I don’t have his birth certificate. His birthplace is listed in the 1851 and 1861 census. He married Jane Kirkaldy c 1801 in Logie in 1821 and they are listed as “both of this parish” so he must have lived in Logie before going to Greenside.

Andrew had four sons - the first was named Andrew and the others were named after the owners of Greenside:

Andrew Millar 1822 (ploughman)

Robert Dalgleish Millar 1831 (my great great grandfather, draper)

James Ker Millar 1833 (grocer, died of TB at 29)

William Sievewright Millar 1840 (land steward in Northumberland, England)

Dura House, home of Robert Dalgleish

Robert Dalgleish Millar went into the drapery trade, starting off in Cupar, Fife, the nearest big town to where he grew up. He then moved to Dundee where he met and married Margaret Ritchie 1833 whose family were also originally from Fife.

Most families at this time followed the Scottish naming pattern but some named their sons after famous men. On the Robertson side George Broderick Robertson was named after George Broadrick, a famous engineer and the Director of the Port of Leith.

Fossoway Parish Church, burial place of Jane Kirkaldy c 1801

After Andrew Millar c 1797 retired, he and Jane went to live with their daughter Jean in Kinross. She and her husband George Laing were innkeepers at the Muirs Inn in 1861. Jane died in 1859 and is buried in Fossoway Church Cemetery. I can’t find Andrew’s death or burial but it was before 1871 as there is no record of him in the 1871 census.

Andrew Millar c 1797 lived here in 1861


Gilchrist: Shoemakers


Ancient Relatives